Positive Affirmation Card Reading for 5th May to the 11th May: Living

Not to well this week so sorry in advanced for the short reading! Xxx


The moment I begin to celebrate myself and focus on my successes is the moment I begin living’ 

This weeks positive affirmation card reading 😊 it was a beautiful full moon last night and with that came allot of rain and wind! Something was quite soothing about the weather! (ESP when your not outside in it lol) When there’s a full moon you can soak up its energy  and really  start focusing on you! If you live in the UK, tomorrow is finally Election Day! It can be a stressful time and all we hear about is what the parties can do for us and their ideas on how we should live but the truth is we have to look at ourselves and ask what can I do for me! We are all beautiful beings and deep down we know what we need and want! But we often push our feelings and thoughts aside to focus on other things! It’s time to #pause and look at all the beauty inside you and start recognising all the amazing things you do and can do! Start focusing on YOU! Make yourself #proud by doing the things you want to do! Stand up for what you believe in and be the best you out there cause you are the only one who can do that! Once you are true to yourself and celebrate the light that shines out of you only then will you start living with confidence and #soul, YOUR SOUL!! We can be the change in any situation it all depends on how much you believe in it and yourself!! 
Love and Light to you all xxxx

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