Hair comes in all shapes and forms! Some have long hair some have green hair but we all have one thing in common!! washing our hair!                   Well most of us like washing our hair 👇👇👇 except for Luke of xfactor last year!! 

I love washing my hair! Honestly the shampoo smell and then the silky conditioner!!! It makes you feel soo refreshed, it smells great and it really feels like your washing all your pain away!! But for thoes of us with EDS, Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions, washing your hair can be the hardest thing esp when it’s long hair like mine!!!

Currently my hair is just above my lower back! So you can’t see all of it in the photo, I’m going to get it cut soon lol but iv always had my hair long and  having long hair with pain is not the best combination.. There are allot of days when your too weak or tiered to have a shower, or you have had a dislocation and the worst thing would be to wash your hair!! 

CLEAN HAIR LIFE HACKS are the only way I have managed to keep and maintain my long hair so here are some hacks that help me 😊


Dry shampoo is a miricle worker!! Everyone needs this!! There are soo many types of dry shampoo and for different types of hair! They also all give your hair volume!! 

Batiste Dry Shampoo Aerosol  

Im sure allot of you have heard about this brand and their range! I think this is the first dry shampoo I tried about 5 years ago! Back then they had a tiny selection but now they got a huge array of products with amazing smells and they even have ones for dark hair! 

  1. So brush you hair! Then shake the can like you would with hairspray
  2. Now hold it about 10cm away from your scalp and spray where need it! I normally spray on my crown 
  3. It comes out as a greyish powder!  Now it’s times to use your fingers to massage it in! This will absorb the excess oil! You can also brush it out! I normally turn my head upside down and rub my roots this creates more volume 
  4. Don’t spray on the ends of your hair just the scalp 
  5. Replete if needed

My fav from this range are these three!! They smell like holidays lol 

Herbal Essences

Soo many other hair companies have now got a dry shampoo range! I’v stoped using the Batiste range recently because im inlove with the dry shampoo by Herbal Essences!! It smells just like their shsmpoos. I literally spray it all over my scalp and rub it in! You can get mini cans for your bag to!


Another great product is the VO5 Plump It Up Dry Back Combing Spray now technically this isn’t advertised as a dry shampoo but it sure works like one!! I love using this on nights out! I use the spray before I curl my hair so I know what the volume is like! Again you use it in the same way but this one will give you soo much volume so you don’t really want to brush it out!! 


For thoes of you with wavey or curly hair I would be cautious about the above as it may make your hair static or frizzy but don’t fear I found a really nice dry shampoo mouse by Tresemme it’s called Instant Refresh

  1. So shake the bottle gently to mix the product 
  2. This comes with a pump! I use one pump at a time! It comes out like a wet mouse 
  3. Scrunch this in the ends of your hair and even your roots! 
  4. It smells refreshing 
  5. It does make your hair a little wet but give it 5 minutes and  will dry! 

I love this product as you can use ur everywhere! It does not give you volume but it makes your hair look like it’s just been washed! I tend you use this allot in the summer and when my hair is Curley or wavey 


Good old baby powder!!! what would we do without it!! It’s got a comforting smell and can be used for soo many things! If you don’t have dry shampoo at home or want a cheap alternative then it’s time to get the talc out!! 

Excess oil from you scalp and dirt make your hair greasy! So using Talc really help absorb the oils! 

  1. Brush your hair 
  2. Take a tiny pinch of talc on your fingers and rub it in the areas of your scalp that need it! 
  3. The brush it out or keep massaging it in so you can no longer see it! 
  4. Be careful not to put to much as it’s very noticeable ESP on darker hair 

That’s all I have for now and will update if I find anything new! If all fails invest in a good hat!! Lol 

Please share any advice you have!! Take a look at more life hacks here 😊

Peace and love xxx

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Let’s talk ‘LIFE HACKS’

What are Life Hacks you may ask? It’s a list of things that help me through life!

I suffer from a few medical conditions and one of the hardest to manage is my EDS and Fibromyalgia. Living with so many complex conditions can be very tricky and it can feel impossible at times. I was 16 and in the middle of GCSEs when my health deteriorated! My life turned upside-down and I didn’t recognise my body anymore I just felt lost! I went from going out with friends and family to having to stay at home or in hospital all day!! I could no longer do small things like painting my nails or making a cup of tea! Back then I didn’t think I could do anything independently anymore! EVERYTHING SEEMED LOST! 

You will be glad to hear that things have changed soo much! And I am no longer that scared and lost teenager I once was! like soo many of you I have gone through  lots of challenges and changes but for the better! I have learnt to pick myself up and I came to the realisation that If I want to see a change I need to be that change!!

I am now 26 and living in tempory (been here 4 years lol) supported housing two roads down from my parents. I am 100% more clued up about my health conditions and have oblivious grown up allot!! I now know and understand that life goes on and you just have to adapt to it! Anyone can do anything they want as long as you’re smart about it and have self belief! 

I have learnt loads on my journey so far especially when it comes to making sure I live my life to the fullest ontop of keeping a healthy balance between my life and my health conditions! But I’m telling you it’s soo hard ESP in the beginning! But I’m trying my best a and I couldn’t live like this now without my ‘life hacks’


Life hacks are basically things that help you in your life to just be you! This is just an introduction to ‘life hacks’. There are soo many that it would be too complicated to write them here so visit my Life hacks page to read the different posts!! I will keep updating that page 🙂

Please send me your advice and life hacks and I will add them to the page to 🙂 lets go!!! Click here 

First post 👇

To read ‘Clean Hair Life Hacks’ Click here 

Peace and love xxx

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