Positive Affirmation Card Reading for 28th April to 4th May: Light

Sorry for the Very late post, my hay-fever was Soo crazy he past few days! Iv only stopped sneezing  now! Had such a busy day on Monday so yesterday I  just wanted to crash out!

For those who follow me on Instagram I Picked a card for this weeks Positive Affirmation Reading on Tuesday  morning and wrote a short reading there but was too tiered to post on here so hope you understand 🙂 

This weeks card is.. 


‘I Am Not The Victim; I Am The          Lighthouse!’

I didn’t really get this card when I first read it! I even naughtily shuffled the deck again and re picked but I was still drawn to this card and randomly managed to pick it up again lol law of attraction lol 

I began to stare at this card! I ignored the words and just focused of the beautiful  colours. As I closed my eyes the bright red slowly turned into Orange and yellow! I could feel the warmth of the colours wash over me. Then I could see little flashes like a camera flash but it wasn’t white! The flashes were purple and blue! It was Soo nice! I just felt so happy and relaxed! These feelings were so strong then I looked at the words on the card and immediately thought this is how I will feel if I become this beacon of light!  I also realised if I surround myself with people who project this light I will still have these wonderful feelings even if my light is dimmed or when I’m having a bad day.. 

Victim is a very strong word! When you think about being a victim you automatically think about things like being a victim of bullying or a victim of abuse etc… But in some situations we can make ourselves victims of our minds. We do this by starting to focus on something that hurt us and not letting go of it! I used to do this allot and still do… 

Say someone pushes into you on the street, drops your coffee but they keep walking, don’t apologise and they just ignore you completely. Most of us would automatically feel upset, hurt or angry about what has happened. We can get quite upset and start winding your self up about it but there is another way to think about it! This card is reminding  you to be of Light! Think of all the other reasons someone could have bumped into you.. They could have had so many things going on in their head that their mind was completely somewhere else or they were running late for an important appointment and didn’t even realise what they did… Being of light is about being positive and wanting to share good and loving vibes into the universe! It’s to project a pure energy that attracts positivity without you needing to do anything. Light is love and Love is what we all need!  Last week we learnt to love ourselves and be open to receiving love and this week we are now projecting love and Light! 

 So this week if someone hurts you try and resolve it in your mind with positive thinking even if they were totally in the wrong send positive light  to them! By you doing that you will shine so brightly and wash away any negative thoughts and feelings!! When you become the ‘lighthouse’ good things will come to you and you will also attract others whom you can guide with your light😊 

This weeks song for the reading is… 

Rihanna- Dimonds click here to watch it 😊

Apologies again for the very late post! Please follow me on Instagram as my uploads are faster on there also I keep Instagram updated every day! 

Won’t post till next week as I’m still not well… 

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the week and the long weekend (if you live in the UK) 

Peace and Love xxx

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